担任International Journal of Geomechanics, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Geotechnical Testing Journal 的审稿人
1、2002.09~2006.06 北京科技大学 土木工程专业,获学士学位
2、2006.09~2009.01北京科技大学 岩土工程专业,获硕士学位
3、2008.11~2012.10香港理工大学 岩土工程专业,获博士学位
(1)2012.03~2013.03 香港理工大学土木系担任副研究员
(2)2012.01~2013.07英国ONLY Geotechnics公司担任岩土工程师,最近的项目包括港珠澳大桥的填海设计评估,印度孟买某工程碎石桩的设计和评估,土耳其某边坡土钉设计和评估,马拉西亚填海工程可行性研究和沉降分析,英国London Gateway填海工程沉降和承载力验算及香港新界某自然边坡的评估和加固方案评估。
(3)2013.08 开始担任太原理工大学土木系教师
2008.11~2011.11 软土时效性室内试验研究
2010.08~2010.09 香港生态砌块的制作及室内力学性能研究
2010.05~2010.10 土钉应力传递机理研究
2010.02~2010.04 香港海洋土一维自重固结实验研究
2008.01~2008.11 石嘴山矿区第四系富含水层下安全开采技术研究
2008.04~2008.07 甘肃鸿聚矿业边坡稳定性分析
2007.08~2007.10 淮南谢桥综放采场与巷道围岩应力数值模拟研究
2007.07~2009.01 流固耦合条件下巷道支护设计和优化分析
2007.01~2007.05 锚网联合支护理论和数值模拟分析
2006.03~2006.07 非饱和土抗剪性能研究和优化设计
2010.03-2011.08 香港集装箱码头东边坡稳定性分析 (For AECOM Asia Ltd., HK)
2010.01-2010.05 FRP土钉现场试验和性能评估 (For OVE ARUP&PARTNERS Ltd., HK)
2010.02-2010.04 香港海洋土玻璃柱自重沉降试验 (For EGS Asia Ltd., HK)
2009.06-2009.11 澳洲某机场隧道稳定性评估 (For Benaim Ltd., Hong Kong)
2009.01-2010.05 回填土现场和室内试验 (For Reinforced Earth Pacific Ltd., HK)
2011年开始在《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》,《Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》,《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》等发表SCI及EI论文6篇,会议文章5篇,具体如下:
Feng Weiqiang, TONG Fei, Yin Jianhua and Tao Xiaoming (2013). Experimental study on the behaviour of a plasticine material. 10th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials, May 28-30, 2014, Hong Kong (under review).
TONG Fei and YIN Jianhua (2013). Testing study and constitutive modeling of relaxation behaviors of three clayey soils. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted in March).
Yin Jianhua and TONG Fei (2012). Elastic visco-plastic modelling of the stress-strain behaviour of soils with both creep and swelling. Third International Workshop on Modern Trends in Geomechanics IW-MTG3, 4-5 September 2012.
Xu D.S., TONG F., Pei H.F. and Yin J.H. (2012). In-situ monitoring of internal displacements by FBG sensors and slope stability analysis under rainfall infiltration. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol. 44(1), pp. 68-74.
TONG Fei, Yin Jianhua and Pei Huafu (2012). Experimental study on complete consolidation behavior of Hong Kong marine deposits, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, Vol. 30, pp.1-15.
TONG Fei and Yin Jianhua (2011). Experimental study on settling-consolidation behavior of Hong Kong marine deposits, Proc. of Int. Postgraduate Conf. 2011, Hong Kong, Vol. 1, pp. 415-420.
TONG Fei and Yin Jianhua (2011). Influence of sand content on the non-linear creep and swelling behaviors of bentonite in oedometric condition, Proc. of the 14th Asian Regional Conf. on Soil Mechanics, Hong Kong, Vol. 1, pp. 138 (Extended abstract).
TONG Fei and Yin Jianhua (2011). Influence of sand content on the stress-strain behavior of silicon sand mixed bentonite in CRS condition. Proc. of the Geo-Frontiers 2011 Conf., ASCE, 10.1061/41165 (397) 275.
TONG Fei, Yin Jianhua and ZHU Guofu (2011). Experimental investigation on settling behaviour of Hong Kong marine deposits in settling column condition. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol. 24(4), pp. 53-57.
Yin Jianhua and TONG Fei (2011). Constitutive modeling of the time-dependent stress-strain behaviour of saturated soils exhibiting both creep and swelling. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 48(12), pp. 1870-1885.
TONG Fei and Yin Jianhua (2011). Nonlinear creep and swelling behavior of bentonite mixed with different sand contents under oedometric condition. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, Vol. 29(4), pp. 346-363.
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